“La privadesa digital. El jo en la banda de Moebius”. Course for high school teachers within the framework of the Transversalia project. Ideas by Pau Waelder with the participation of the educator Jordi Ferreiro

Pau Waelder has designed the course “La privadesa digital. El jo en la banda de Moebius” with the participation of the educator Jordi Ferreiro. The course will be held at Museu d’Art de Castelló / Centre del Carme, València between 10-12 april 2018

In our daily interaction with digital devices and Internet services, we assume that both the devices and content platforms are at our service and that we obtain the network that we want, even without giving anything in return. But we are actually providing data constantly and feeding a system designed to help us to share more and more, to record, quantify and disseminate everything we do, where we are and even what we think. Our privacy is increasingly exposed, to the point where the private and the public are confused, alié and their own. But this is not the result of the imposition of a totalitarian government, as George Orwell imagined in 1984. It is not just Army control by a Great Brother, but the desire of each individual to show himself before others in a society that It celebrates individualism and a technology industry that facilitates the means to do it and finances it with our data.

However, the key is to ask: Why do we need to make ourselves visible on social networks? How do we build our ego based on likes? Digital technologies have created situations for which social norms have not yet been consolidated, the consequences of which cost us to foresee. The works of various artists who work with new media offer a frame of reflection and experimentation that reveals the ways in which our privacy is changing and how personal identity is shaped in the information society. Examining various artistic projects and the contributions of theorists and researchers, we will discuss some issues with which to work on the concept of privacy in the digital age and the formation of self in an uncertain space that, as a band of Möbius, does not distinguish between interior and exterior.



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