Vanina Hofman participates as an associate researcher of the Red Cultura Digital project

Vanina Hofman participates as an associate researcher of the Red Cultura Digital project

Vanina Hofman participates as an associate researcher of the Red Cultura Digital project. Crosses between narrative, art and technology directed by Valeria Radrigán, Valentina Montero and Carolina Gainza. Project financed by competition for the formation of international networks for researchers in the initial stage, CONYCIT, Ministry of Education, Government of Chile 2017-2019.




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Curator of the City-Science Biennial

Curator of the City-Science Biennial

Pau Alsina and Irma Vilà are part of the Biennial Ciutat i Ciència curatorial to be held in Barcelona from February 7 to 11.

Increasingly, science is part of our lives and, increasingly, citizens have more weight in deciding which paths to advance the search. And in Barcelona there is a lot of science and a very high level. So much so that the city is one of the European referents in various fields of research. In order to facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge that is generated in Barcelona and strengthen its link with the public, from 7 to 11 February, the City and Science Biennial will be held in numerous facilities in all districts. It will employ a total of 138 participating specialists.

The Biennial has seven objectives in the field of science: reflecting, participating, connecting, reinforcing equality, transmitting knowledge, enhancing transversality and complementing the Barcelona City Council’s Science Plan. In order to achieve them, it has designed a wide range of activities of very diverse formats: conferences, debates, conferences, hackatons, performing arts, music, cinema, workshops … An extensive offer that invites reflection and with which the public can Find answers to many of your concerns, understand the processes of science and actively engage in research. At the same time, it also aims to promote new scientific vocations on equal terms and bring science closer to children through an offer aimed at families.

In this line, the activities of the Biennale provide keys to form opinions and to make decisions with scientific criteria. A part of the program is framed in concepts such as citizen science or citizen laboratories, where non-specialized people participate in research projects and in the generation of new knowledge based on the real demands of society. Other activities, such as debates or a film series with a later discussion, analyze the limitations of science, methodologies, ethics, and social issues. And it goes without saying that many of the activities have a future-oriented look at the challenges that we face and how science can help us achieve them.

In short, five days to focus on the future, the challenges we face and participate in scientific thinking.

Here (web) and here (pdf) you’ll find the complete program.


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Poster about the UOC’s Arts Degree

Poster about the UOC’s Arts Degree

Laia Blasco-Soplon makes one of the posters of the GUNi International Conference.

This GUNi International Conference aims to be an international meeting to debate on the role of the humanities, and the interrelation between humanities, science and technology in the 21st Century with a special focus on Higher Education. The main objective of the Conference is to open a worldwide debate on the current role of humanities in the social, academic and scientific areas and on their importance to boost a more equitable, more responsible and more democratic society. The event has gathered 160 attendees from 22 countries and from diverse areas of knowledge and fields (education, research, public institutions, organizations) in order to debate on the role of the humanities in the world. The Conference was held on the 19th to 20th November 2018 at the CosmoCaixa Museum in Barcelona.

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Estamos buscando un/a candidato/a para un doctorado industrial

Estamos buscando un/a candidato/a para un doctorado industrial

Estamos buscando un/a candidato/a de doctorado industrial

Puesto vacante de doctorado industrial en Barcelona, España, para un estudiante  con conocimientos en visión artificial y técnicas de Machine Learning para la mejora de experiencias de Realidad Virtual (RV)

Read the offer in English


La Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) y Inflight VR IBERIA SL invitan candidatos a aplicar a la oferta de doctorando industrial en el área de ingeniería de software. El/la candidata/a llevará a cabo investigación interdisciplinaria con aplicación de escenarios reales. En concreto, el/la candidato/a investigará sobre los campos de visión artificial, aprendizaje automatizado (Machine Learning), interacción persona-ordenador (HCI) y realidad virtual con el objetivo de diseñar y desarrollar nuevos algoritmos y técnicas para mejorar la experiencia de RV.

Buscamos a un/a candidato/a con iniciativa y ambición que cuente con formación en Ciencias de la Computación, preferiblemente con algo de experiencia en visión artificial, inteligencia artificial, aprendizaje automatizado o matemáticas aplicadas.

Se valorará positivamente experiencia con tecnologías de realidad virtual e interacción persona-ordenador.


– Diseñar y desarrollar nuevos algoritmos de fusión multisensor para accionar nuestras aplicaciones  de captura de movimiento actuales y futuras
– Entender los requisitos de las aplicaciones y traducirlos en algoritmos complejos y de última tecnología.
– Identificar las nuevas tendencias de investigación relacionadas con fusión de sensores, captura de movimiento, optimización y  aprendizaje automatizado (Machine Learning).
– Trabajar en proyectos de investigación, proponiendo soluciones de primera clase a nivel mundial.
– Aplicar las técnicas de interacción persona-ordenador (ej.: interfaz inteligente de usuario, sistemas cognitivos o interacción computacional) para mejorar la experiencia de usuario  de las aplicaciones finales.

Habilidades y experiencia

– Se requiere máster en Visión Artificial, Ciencias Computacionales, Matemáticas aplicadas, o equivalentes.
– Excelente expediente académico.
– Excelentes habilidades de programación con java, C# o lenguajes similares.
– Habilidad para entender, diseñar e implementar algoritmos complejos de manera eficiente y correcta..
– Sólida base matemática/analítica, facilidad para la resolución de problemas y flexibilidad para adquirir nuevos conocimientos.
– Buenas habilidades comunicativas en inglés, tanto a nivel hablado como escrito.

Interesados, contacten con:

Elena Kokkinara: elena.kokkinara @
Pierre Bourdin:  pbourdin @

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Leticia Castro entrevista Susanna Tesconi en la diaria educación: “La tecnología y la pedagogía crítica van de la mano”

Leticia Castro entrevista Susanna Tesconi en la diaria educación: “La tecnología y la pedagogía crítica van de la mano”

Susanna Tesconi profesora de la UOC e investigadora del grupo DARTS fue entrevistada en Montevideo en Uruguay, por Leticia Castro en una conferencia sobre educación en la que participó. Pueden leer la entrevista completa en “la diaria educación“:

Susanna Tesconi
Dra. Susanna Tesconi (Foto: Pablo Vignali)

Susanna Tesconi es diseñadora de entornos educativos y parte del movimiento Edumaker.

Twitter: @AuntySue

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We are looking for a PhD candidate

Open position in Barcelona, Spain, for an Industrial PhD leveraging Computer Vision and Machine Learning technique for the improvement of Virtual Reality Experiences 

Leer la oferta en Español


The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Inflight VR IBERIA SL invites applications for PhD candidates in the area of software engineering. The candidate will be carrying out interdisciplinary research with real scenarios application. In particular, the candidate will be doing research on the fields of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality in order to design and develop new algorithms and techniques for improving VR experiences.

We are looking for a self-driven, ambitious PhD candidate with background in Computer Science, preferably with some experience in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Applied Mathematics. Experience with VR technologies and HCI practices is considered a plus.


• Design and develop new multi-sensor fusion algorithms to power our current and future motion tracking applications.
• Understand application requirements and translate them into complex, state-of-art algorithms.
• Identify new trends in research related to sensor fusion, motion tracking, optimization theory, machine learning.
• Work on research projects, delivering world class level solutions.
• Applying human-computer interaction techniques (e.g., intelligent user interfaces, cognitive systems, or computational interaction) for improving the user experience of the final applications.

Desired skills and experience

• Master Degree in Computer Vision, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or equivalent required.
• Excellent academic records.
• Excellent programming skills in java, C# or similar languages.
• Ability to understand, design, and implement complex algorithms efficiently and correctly.
• Strong mathematical/analytical background, problem-solving skills, flexibility in acquiring new knowledge.
• Good speaking and written communication skills in English

Contact information

Elena Kokkinara: elena.kokkinara @
Pierre Bourdin: pbourdin @

Download the PDF file: ProfileIndustrialPhD

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