Quelic Berga participates in the course: “Big Data: visualización de datos”

Quelic Berga participates in the course: “Big Data: visualización de datos”

Data visualization” is the fourth course of the specialization “Big Data – Practical use of massive data”. Organized in four weeks, it aims to motivate and introduce the key concepts of data visualization as well as show examples in different contexts. In addition, criteria are provided to formulate the problem and choose the most appropriate tools to obtain a correct visualization. This should be an introductory, motivating and inspiring course for storytelling through the visualization of your data. The four modules in which the course is structured are the following:

MODULE 1: Context for data visualization today

MODULE 2: Data analysis and visualization tools

MODULE 3: The process of creating a data visualization

MODULE 4: Other aspects of data visualization

The assistant professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and DARTS member Quelic Berga has participated in the creation of modules 1 and 3 of the course in collaboration with UAB and UOC.

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“Hacia una formación de artistas expandida: instituciones desbordadas, responsabilidades compartidas”

Aida Sánchez de Serdio participates with “Hacia una formación de artistas expandida: instituciones desbordadas, responsabilidades compartidas” as an invited lecturer at the II Encuentro arte, educación, interculturalidad in the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Quito), between 24-26 October, 2018.


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Quelic Berga (Berga, Quelic, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Blasco, Laia, UOC, Melenchón, Javier, UOC, Spain) presents a poster at Research Workshop EDEN 2018.

With the creation of the Grado de Diseño y Creación Digital and the Grado de Artes, the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has started to implement improvements in its virtual campus to allow students to work with visual elements. Several surveys and pilot tests have been carried out over the last four years with the aim of solving the need for students to show their visual creations online. We have developed a system that bridges student’s classroom with their own university e-portfolio, allowing accompaniment and continuous evaluation and at the same time following the professional standards to allow an easy migration towards a professional e-portfolio. We show an efficient way to integrate the online learning environment of the UOC with the open source culture of WordPress respecting its values, methods and standards.



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Conference: “In Stasis and Flux. Contemporary Art, New Media and the Art Market”

Pau Waelder gives the talk “In Stasis and Flux. Contemporary Art, New Media and the Art Market”, within the seminar Bytes for Sale. Seminar On Current Trends And The Future Of Buying And Selling Media Art, organizated by AV-ARKKI at Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki.

Media art presents unique challenges and opportunities for its sellers and collectors. New approaches and skill sets are often called for in the buying and selling of media art.

This seminar brings together major collections of media art, researchers and galleries with novel approaches to selling and producing media art works. The seminar showcases their practices and discuss current trends and projections for the future of buying and selling media art.

What paths are used to buy and sell media art today and in the future? What are major collectors of media art looking for in their acquisition process? What will be the role of the gallery in the media art scene of tomorrow? These themes and more are discussed during the day through presentations, Q&A sessions and panel discussions.

The seminar will also present the results of an ongoing project by AV-arkki to chart the skills and attitude of Finnish galleries towards the selling of media art and to create practical tools to aid to facilitate the sales process.


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We are looking for a PhD candidate

Open position in Barcelona, Spain, for an Industrial PhD leveraging Computer Vision and Machine Learning technique for the improvement of Virtual Reality Experiences 

Leer la oferta en Español


The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Inflight VR IBERIA SL invites applications for PhD candidates in the area of software engineering. The candidate will be carrying out interdisciplinary research with real scenarios application. In particular, the candidate will be doing research on the fields of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality in order to design and develop new algorithms and techniques for improving VR experiences.

We are looking for a self-driven, ambitious PhD candidate with background in Computer Science, preferably with some experience in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Applied Mathematics. Experience with VR technologies and HCI practices is considered a plus.


• Design and develop new multi-sensor fusion algorithms to power our current and future motion tracking applications.
• Understand application requirements and translate them into complex, state-of-art algorithms.
• Identify new trends in research related to sensor fusion, motion tracking, optimization theory, machine learning.
• Work on research projects, delivering world class level solutions.
• Applying human-computer interaction techniques (e.g., intelligent user interfaces, cognitive systems, or computational interaction) for improving the user experience of the final applications.

Desired skills and experience

• Master Degree in Computer Vision, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or equivalent required.
• Excellent academic records.
• Excellent programming skills in java, C# or similar languages.
• Ability to understand, design, and implement complex algorithms efficiently and correctly.
• Strong mathematical/analytical background, problem-solving skills, flexibility in acquiring new knowledge.
• Good speaking and written communication skills in English

Contact information

Elena Kokkinara: elena.kokkinara @ inflight-vr.com
Pierre Bourdin: pbourdin @ uoc.edu

Download the PDF file: ProfileIndustrialPhD

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Report of the 3rd Support Visualists Day of the Festival Eufònic

Irma Vilà reports and presents the report of the 3rd Support Visualists Day of the Festival Eufònic at Sant Carles de la Ràpita.

Third edition of the #supportvisualists day, a space for reflection and debate designed to help the visual creators, visual artists and cultural managers sector. Curated by Antònia Folguera (Sónar + D) and with Irma Vilà as rapporteur, this year the day focuses on virtual and augmented reality, visual content management and reading and visualizing data.

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Designing a Conversation-Based Educational Tool for Learning to Code

Susanna Tesconi publishes in HCI International 2018 Posters’ Extended Abstracts.

Mor, E., Santanach, F., Tesconi, S., & Casado, C. (2018). CodeLab: Designing a Conversation-Based Educational Tool for Learning to Code. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.), HCI International 2018 Posters’ Extended Abstracts (pp. 94–101). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


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